An announcement and a reflection
A week ago, we welcomed our newest family member – a sweet little boy who has the calmest temperament.
Soon after we brought him home, I started writing about what it has been like having him with us, only to realize 6 days into our experience that it has already changed. When we first brought him home, he would cry whenever he wasn’t being held. That resulted in one of us always having to hold him – day and night – and feeling very exhausted. Writing this now seems somewhat dramatic, given that the brief, constant-holding phase has passed. He now happily hangs out in his bouncer, we are able to give our two year old a bit more attention, and fortunately, we’re getting more sleep.
I write this now, with this as the take-away – everything is a phase. This observation is so present in our work as parents (my dear friend and I refer to it as the two-week rule), but also generally in life. Nothing lasts forever – both the good and the bad. Life brings us seasons, some longer than others, but ultimately, those seasons always come to an end.
For me, this is a helpful reminder to be present in where we are – when it is hard, when it is easy, when it is sad, when it is joyful. We all will reach the same end, and our experiences will continue to occur, fleeting as they are.
If you’ve ever worked with me, you know that I teach that we can, and should, try to plan for everything we can within our budget. This might seem the opposite of being present. Ultimately, what I’m realizing, this is the exact work we need to do in order to be able to enjoy the present moments, secure in knowing that we are prepared for whatever is to come.
For now, we’re taking it slow, savoring the unhurried time we have in this brief, passing season of life.